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File #10

Some people may have heard about this, some may not have. Well, this introduction really isn't needed. Just read the question....

If a tree falls in the middle of the woods, an no one is there to hear it, does it really make a sound?

Ass' view:
What tree? I didn't see any freaking tree? *hides axe behind back*
Seriously though, it depends. We could consider the idea that when the tree falls... it creates wind vibration. This vibration/energy created can travel for miles, and perhaps whisp accross another object far away. If someone were close by, they could possible hear it. But, what if the wind isn't strong enough... how big is the tree? if i were like.. right outside the woods when it fell in the woods... maybe i could hear it... ponder....

Butt's view:

Euh... Duh? Made a noise on Earth at that time, maybe not heard by people but still made a noise??

uNLeSs this UFO ship laser-cut the poor tree, and teleported it in the ground without the slightest noise (advanced technology... sigh) AND the tree experienced missing time... meaning that the technically, the tree "fell" but no one was there to see or hear it. *Insert X-Files theme*

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