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File #9

It seems just about everyone has questioned their faith. Is there a god? Is someone watching over me? And so forth. Well, now it's time to find out our views on the subject.

Is there a god?

Ass' view:
Well, i have many views on the subject. I'll give you the one that's on my mind right now. I believe in a variation of the eternalism theory. In fact, it's quite different than eternalism, but there are some similarities. I don't believe that we were ever created by some external force. I believe that the universe is not endless. That it is quite limited, and there are always the same number of atoms inside of it. So, right now, there are just more atoms in our area. That's why life is so abundant. But, that means somewhere else in the universe, there is less 'matter'. So, i believe there always was, and always will be the same amount of 'matter' everywhere. And that no one controls what happens to us. There is no destiny. Things just happen.

My other, more easy to explain idea, is that an other being created us. Not necessarily an alien, not necessarily a superior being. But, something that just wanted things to worship it. It foresaw anything that could go wrong, disease, population explosions, whatever, and was able to install things in the earth to control things. The being must have eventually died off. But, i think it messed up. That's why there are so many danged people around. I believe more of its race are trying to control the large population by putting in more disease and whatnot. And, that's another peak into my freakish mind...
Side not from a here later: what the hell was i jacked up on when i wrote this???

Butt's view:
Wow. Exactly like Agent Ass's second point, I once had this weird though (ok one of many) that this alien/superior/smart being created Earth and the living stuff on (in?) it. First, I thought about some scientist from a galaxy far, far away (or just Mars, who knows) a loooong time ago made this planet. I know, cheezy sci-fi *BUTT* think about it: a scientist makes and artificial planet, and everything works very logically if you ask me. How things live and die, why diseases happen, the eyes: some birds' eyes are nocturnal/night vision, while ours is not. There is an explanation for all of it, even why we have seasons on Earth, the purpose of the 23.5 degree tilt... etc. Back to the "God" topic, it is the easy explanation to the unsanswered questions humans, as stupid beings, make. Now I'm not saying God doesn't exist because in my opinion whatever created us is God, and yes, we didn't just appear (wait.. we did?). Anyways, if we take my definition, God does exist, and have been interpreted by various people differently. Because it's easy. Blame God for your problems. Thank God for a passing grade. Believe in God because everyone else seems to, and has for centuries. Whatever the reason, people have this deep faith and connection to religion somehow. I say selfishness is often the result, even though you won't admit it. People would pray more if a loved one is in danger, even if they only did so once a year. Fear also drives some people. Would I go to hell? (I personally don't believe in little people in red suits poking you with a big fork).

I won't take the scientific approach on this, but I say it's more about energy than matter. Ah, long story. I wrote waaaay more on the topic than I meant to.

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